Marketing Evaluation, Strategy & Planning

Program Evaluation

For successful companies, market and product evaluation are ongoing processes. Today's fast paced and ever changing business environment means staying one step ahead of your competitors.

If your business has dropped significantly don't blame it solely on the economy. Find out why by doing a survey -- informally or formally. Take a long hard look at your products and services. Can you fill a niche out there that is currently being neglected?

Should you expand your product, should you cut your products or services?

What works today for your business may not work for tomorrow. Be ready to move quickly when the market changes.

Service includes graphic design and copywriting.






Start calling the shots...

When we create a market plan for your business, suggestions are made to help you plan for advertising. Be proactive.

Learn to take control of our advertising dollars by having a plan in place.


Identify the Competition...

By coming up with a plan of action you can make the most of your attributes and take a larger share of the market.

Want to expand your market -- want to take a larger share of the market? Need some help, or want another perspective on your business operation?


1/2 hr. free consultation available for first-time clients.




Call 607-687-5278

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